Assignment presentation
- Share screenshots presenting your assignment, the video and the link to your GIThub repo through this form.
- The practical assignment has to reside in a branch named PA1.
Use a skeleton WebGL project: Project as a fast way to start.
- The credit module is based on WebGL interface brought in JS language.
- Suggested IDE for JavaScript is VisualStudio Code.
Use a skeleton WebGL project: Project as a fast way to start. is a comprehensive resource for studying WebGL protocol.
Link to handbook
The book of surfaces (the password equals to the first letters of the name of this credit module)
- Basing on the skeleton project add a new js script file containing Model object.
- Model object has to draw the surface wireframe as two sets of vertices: a set of U polylines and a set of V polylines.
- Figure out your order number in a list of the group you study at in campus system, that is your variant
- Render wire-frame model representing analytical surface using WebGL as per individual variant
- Create two screenshots showing the result
- Create a 2 minute video where you describe the data structure you used to hold vertices for U and V curves.
The list of variants of Analytical Surfaces for the course is as follows:
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